Bot registration
You’ll need:
- some elevated privileges
- a square icon of 192px by 192px
- an outline icon in 32px by 32px.
Registering a bot will bring you to 4 different MS portals, follow those steps.
Bot creation and registration
- Go to
- Create a bot
- Give it a name
In the Bot config itself:
- Save its ID for later (for the Entra app and the bot framework portal)
- Configure the Endpoint address like (where you deployed this api)
- Go to the bot framework portal:
- Update the icon
- the Messaging endpoint should be set, if not, you can define it here
- then click on Manage Microsoft App ID and password, this will send you to Entra ID’s App registrations config of the bot
Credential management
In the Entra App registration:
- Expand Manage and choose Certificates & secrets
- Choose either:
- to generate a client secret (24 months max validity using the UI, longer using powershell)
- generate and upload a certificate
MS Teams app creation and publication
- Go to
- Give it a name
In the newly created app:
Basic information
- fill the required fields
- in Application (client) ID, set the bot ID from the first step
Branding: setup the Color icon, the Outline icon and the Accent color (for the provided icons, I suggest #5c61ce as accent color)
App features: select Bot, then
- choose the bot you created in the previous steps
- select all the scopes (Personal, Team, Group Chat)
- you can add a bot command
- command: help
- description: Show help
- scope: Personal
- Save
Once everything is ready, head up to Publish > Publish to org and click Publish your app, if submission fails, double check all mandatory fields are filled in Configure > Basic information
Now it has been published, it can take a bit for the app to show up on Teams Admin center.
- Go to
- Teams apps > Manage apps
- Search in the list for your app name (let’s say Notifier), it should be in Blocked status
- Click it and at the top click Publish
NOTE: You’ll need to revalidate every time you publish an update of the app (icon, description, commands etc…)